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Writer's pictureANNALYSE BASITA

The perfect mix

We have made empowerment women- centered because most of the women are either empowered or have opportunities for empowerment. We are just facilitating the empowerment process because if a woman is self-empowered can grow sustainably and the whole community is empowered as a multiplier effect. We make sure that men too understands and participate in women empowerment and make sure that they both understands the importance of transferring the same to the children, both girls and boys to create a generation of equality stewards and marginalization free.

We leverage on technology to facilitate empowerment because most of the women have access to mobile phone and they are just 27%likely not to access them in Africa. Women are encouraged to use their phones for advanced uses like access to information, financial services and marketing and we identify solutions that suits the kind of phones used by women which are mostly feature phones. We communicate also on social media platforms for knowledge sharing to those who access internet, to advocate and create awareness on women rights and empowerment so that we can reach many stakeholders and create a partnership in the empowerment process.

We offer financial literacy and economic groupings trainings, enterpreneurship, health and wellbeing, environment and leadership trainings to improve on the human capital within women and make them utilize their potentials. The integration that open different doors to different people depending on their capabilities because an opportunity to one person can not be an opportunity to another and an opportunity today may not be an opportunity tomorrow.

it is the Perfect mix of women, men, technology, children, other stakeholders, trainings partnership and other efforts available because marginalization is multifaceted and so does the solutions to it. With technology everything is possible #onlyyourefforts

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